living and learning


The Daily Geographer is a geography blog based in Sheffield, UK concerning day-to-day geography and the quirks of undergraduate life. It is updated daily Monday to Friday.

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Our vision

We would like this blog to be...
  1. An unofficial point of information for geographers at the University of Sheffield,
  2. A user-friendly platform to share ideas and experiences relating to geography, and
  3. An ongoing effort to raise geographical awareness.

Your say

Got your geography goggles on? See how you can contribute to the blog here.

A bit more history

The Daily Geographer began life as two separate ideas in November 2009: one of them was a weekly departmental blog, the other a personal study diary meant to curb procrastination...somewhere along the line however, the two melded into one - the result? A half-zine half-journal that invites you to think, but not think too hard:)

Who are the geographers?

Though the term 'geographer' can apply to many (including us geographers-in-training), only those teaching or working in the department, i.e. fully qualified geographers will be listed on the sidebar for now. This might change though, watch this space!

What are Grapevines?

Meaning 'gossip', this colourful little word is applied to certain short, formulaic posts containing the lastest quotes fresh from the lecture theatre (or seminar room). They are numbered in order of publication, and are a great indicator of what geographers do behind closed doors...a lot more than just colouring in, it seems:)

Extra, extra!

Once in a while a post will go up during the weekend. These are usually reserved for special occasions, though slightly off-topic posts might fall in this category too. They can by identified by the 'Extra' in their titles.


There's the 'like' button, there's the 'dislike' button. Then there's the 'paternoster' button. You can take it literally and define 'paternoster' as 'goes up, goes down. i.e. can't make up its mind'. Or you could see it as a badge of allegiance, as in 'I hail from somewhere that has a paternoster'. might be code-speak for 'meh'. We don't know either.

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